We are on this journey
all hands on deck
living through a time
of crisis and pandemic and
also during one of limitless love,
expressions of compassion and
common commitment to do unto others.
Your Daily Kief is grateful
for the opportunity
to breathe through this time with you
for from moment to moment
solid friendships do emerge
greater connections than ever before
with deeper appreciation
to have the experience
not to be missed.
Nathaniel Mackey (1947-), American poet, novelist, anthologist, literary critic, and editor, (quoted here in The New Yorker “Life and Letters” Column: “The Long Song” April 12, 2021) “You go out and you look into the sky. We live in this act of creation that is unfathomable and overwhelming. The intricacy, beauty, fearsomeness. We push back by becoming active, becoming producers, and putting our little pieces of creativity down next to it. It’s this idea. I can do something, too. But every now and then, when the flow’s not coming, you gotta get up from your couch or the desk, you gotta go out on the porch, look up at the sky and enjoy the humility of just taking this obviously superior and more complicated creativity. What we do could never match that. Could I ever write a poem as intricate as a pinecone?”